Student getting out of her car in parking lot in front of Old Main.
Commuter Students


Student Life
(402) 465-2223

The Physical Plant Office
During the Day
(402) 465-2321

After 5 p.m. and on weekends
(402) 432-9238

Sodexo Office Story Student Center
Dining Hall

Purchase Dining Plan

Computer Services
(402) 465-2341

Renting Issues
Legal Aid of Nebraska
(402) 435-2161

Commuter Students

Students who live off campus as commuter students can still find their place at Nebraska Wesleyan. There are a number of organizations and services that commuter students can use.

Residency Policy

As stipulated by the NWU Board of Governors, NWU has a three-year or six-semester residency policy. There are a limited number of reasons why a student might be granted an exemption, and certainly living with one’s parents is considered a valid reason! Although Nebraska Wesleyan strongly believes in the value of a residential, Liberal Arts experience, we also understand that each family must make the decision that is right for them, as long as it falls within our guidelines.

Residency Exemptions

If you have determined that commuting is the best alternative for you and your family, and you meet one or more of the appropriate guidelines, you may complete and submit a Request for Exemption to the NWU Residency Policy. In addition, students who will be living at home with their parents/guardians, within 30 miles of the Nebraska Wesleyan Campus, must attach a signed and notarized Commuter Student Form (PDF). NOTE: NWU uses the definition of guardians as that included in Section 30-220917 of the Nebraska Probate Code.

Getting Involved

NWU boasts over 90 student organizations. Joining a campus organization or getting an on-campus job is a great way to get connected to other students. Be sure to attend the Involvement Fair which is held during the early weeks of each semester. Contact the Financial Aid Office for information on the Campus Employment Program.

Parking Considerations

When you arrive on campus in the fall, you will get your student ID and receive your parking permit. Hang your permit from your rearview mirror. 

You may park in any lot with green or green and gold on the entrance sign. You will find much greater availability in the perimeter lots. Most parking at NWU is free. However, there is one lot where commuters can pay to reserve a stall for $198 a semester. Most NWU commuters do not find it necessary, though.  Email the Maintenance Department at maint [at] (maint[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) if you would like to reserve a stall. You will be billed for the reserved stall through the NWU Business Office.

Students can be ticketed for a campus parking violation, but generally campus security is pretty forgiving at the beginning of the semester.Common violations include: No hang tag, expired hang tag, parking longer than 15 minutes in the 15 minutes parking, parking in handicapped area without appropriate hang tag, parking in staff/faculty lots, parking in the blue reserved area, parking in the doctor or counselor stalls, parking in fire lanes. A ticket can be appealed by completing a parking violation waiver form available in the Maintenance Office.

Making Campus Your Home

There are a number of locations on campus that provide a comfortable oasis for commuter students.

  • The Archway Cafe (also known as the NWU Coffee House) located in the lower level of the Story Student Center and the Common Ground coffee house located on the second floor of Acklie Hall.
  • Additional lounges, providing comfortable places for students to study or just hang out, are also located in Great Hall, Smith-Curtis, Weary Center and most academic buildings.

Study space is available in Cochrane-Woods Library, lounges, computer labs, and throughout Acklie Hall.

Meal Plans

Nebraska Wesleyan offers a meal plan focused on our commuter students, who may only occasionally want to eat on campus. This plan provides 45 meals plus $75 Dining Dollars for the semester. The Dining Dollars can be used in the Prairie Point Dining Center, the Archway Café or the Acklie Science Center Common Ground. To purchase this plan, complete this form. If you have any questions about the plan, please contact Student Life at studentlife [at] (studentlife[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu).

You can also stop in the Sodexo Office located in the Prairie Point Dining Center in the Story Student Center dining hall to purchase Munch Money for discount meals or purchase Munch Money online at NWU Dining Services. Commuter students who want a meal plan with more meals and Dining Dollars than the plan listed above may contact the Residential Education Office at res-ed [at] (res-ed[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or (402) 465-2161.

Computer Labs

There are numerous computer labs on campus for your convenience. See the Computer Labs web page for a listing of times, locations, and equipment available.

Additional Services

  • Free lockers are available in the Story Student Center next to the cafeteria.
  • You may call Campus Security  at (402) 432-9238 to get an escort to walk you to your car at night.
  • Contact Student Health if you are not feeling well.

Off Campus Students Renting Apartments

Students living off campus in rental units should be aware of their rights and responsibilities as tenants. A written lease is a legally binding document, and it should be read carefully before signing. If you believe your rights as tenants have been violated, you should contact Legal Aid of Nebraska at (402) 435-2161.